The Tsinay Writes

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This is a blog review entry for Yuuki’s TwinBlogversary Contest.

Today blog review is Tsinay Writes, she is Filipino woman. Tsi-Nay has got explanation about her here. I like the three columns template on this blog and I like the head of her blog, it is just like the badge you can see below.

The blog is page rank of two with 42 followers including me. Tsinay loves to write and she updates her blog every day, you can find interesting post to read. She loves to take part in memes Post It Note Tuesday!

I love to find out about her by reading the category or tag under me. She is mommy blogger too as you can find her at the following blogs.

A  Mom's Life and Loves The  Blogger Hub WAHMy Sammy Fab  Diva
Tsinay is mommy blogger and you can find this blog it is about her random thoughts. Overall the blog is well maintain and easy to browse. If you want to know update of her every day just subscribed to her blog by email it is available at her right bar.

The Tsinay Writes


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